Les heures d'ouverture de la bourse (Paris, New York...)
Découvrez les horaires d’ouverture actuelles de la bourse de Paris, New-York, Londres… pour investir dans vos produits préférés.
Il est important de connaître les heures d’ouverture de la bourse. En effet, les ordres envoyés ne sont exécutés que pendant les heures d’ouverture des marchés. Consultez ci-dessous les heures d’ouverture de la bourse de Paris ainsi que des bourses américaines dont le NYSE et le Nasdaq.
Les horaires d’ouverture des bourses de Paris, New-York et plus encore
Grâce à votre compte LYNX, vous avez la possibilité d’investir dans une multitude de produits sur de nombreux marchés en France et à l’étranger. Ci-dessous, vous trouverez un aperçu des heures d’ouverture de toutes les bourses sur lesquelles vous pouvez investir via LYNX.
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Les heures d’ouverture des bourses en 2025
Quelles sont les heures d’ouverture des marchés d’actions ?
Découvrez les horaires d’ouverture des bourses dans le monde. Sélectionnez le pays de la bourse que vous recherchez et utilisez notre tableau ci-dessous pour trouver les heures d’ouverture des bourses en 2025
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Bats Europe (BATEDE) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:00-16:30 |
CBOE EU | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 800 - 1630 |
CHI-X Europe Ltd Clearstream (CHIXDE) | ETFs, Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:30 |
EUREX (DTB) | Futures (Equity Index, Fixed Income, Single Stock), Futures Options (Fixed Income), Indices, Options (Equity, Equity Index) | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-22:05 |
Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FWB) | ETFs, Stocks, Structured Products (Turbos and Certificates), Warrants (Index, Stock) | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:00-20:00 |
GETTEX | Stocks, Structured Products (Turbos and Certificates), Warrants | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-20:00 |
Stuttgart Stock Exchange (SWB) | ETFs, Stocks, Structured Products (Turbos and Certificates), Warrants (Index, Stock) | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:00-22:00 |
Tradegate Exchange (TRADEGATE) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-20:00 |
Turquoise DE (TRQXDE) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:30 |
XETRA (IBIS) | ETFs, Indices, Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:40 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
ASX24 (SNFE) | Futures (Equity Index, Interest Rate), Futures Options (Equity Index), Indices | Day and night trading sessions for access almost 24 hours a day:, , - 5.10pm to 7.00am and 9.50am to 4.30pm (Sydney time, when US daylight , saving time), - 5.10pm to 8.00am and 9.50am to 4.30pm (Sydney time, when US , non-daylight saving time) |
ASXCEN | 10:001 - 16:00 Sydney Time, 1Open follows ASX randomized group opening times | |
Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) | ETFs, Indices, Options (Equity, Equity Index), Stocks, Warrants | 10:00 - 16:00 Sydney Time |
Chi-X Australia | ETFs, Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 10:00-16:11 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Vienna Stock Exchange (VSE) | Indices, Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:45 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Bats Europe (BATEEN) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 800 - 1630 |
CHI-X Europe Ltd Clearnet (CHIXEN) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 800 - 1630 |
ENEXT.BE | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:40 |
Euronext Brussels (BELFOX) | Futures (Equity Index), Indices, Options (Equity Index) | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:35 |
Turquoise (TRQXEN) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 800 - 1630 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Alpha ATS (ALPHA) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:00-17:00 |
Canadian Securities Exchange (PURE) | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:30-16:00 | |
Chi-X Canada | ETFs, Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 930 - 1600 |
Montreal Exchange (CDE) | Futures (Equity Index, Fixed Income), Indices, Options (Equity, Equity Index) | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:30-16:30 |
Omega ATS (OMEGA) | ETFs, Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 800 - 1700 |
Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) | ETFs, Indices (Stocks), Stocks | 9:30 - 16:00 ET |
TSX Venture (VENTURE) | Stocks, Warrants | Lundi - Vendredi: 16:15-17:00 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Korea Stock Exchange (KSE) | Futures (Equity Index, Single Stock), Indices, Options (Equity Index) | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-15:45 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Bats Europe (BATEES) | Stocks | 9:00 17:30 CET |
Bolsa de Madrid (BM) | ETFs, Indices, Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:36 |
CHI-X Europe Ltd Clearnet (CHIXES) | Stocks | 9:00 - 17:40 CET |
Spanish Futures & Options Exchange (MEFF) | Futures (Equity Index, Single Stock), Indices, Options (Equity, Equity Index) | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:00-17:35 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Nasdaq Baltic (N.TALLINN) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 10:00-16:00 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Euronext Bonds | Fixed Income (Corporate and Non-US Sovereign) | Lundi - Vendredi: 14:59-23:59 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Bats Europe (BATEEN) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 800 - 1630 |
CHI-X Europe Ltd Clearnet (CHIXEN) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 800 - 1630 |
Euronext France (MATIF) | Futures (Agriculture), Indices | Lundi - Vendredi: 10:45-18:30 |
Euronext France (MONEP) | Futures (Equity Index), Indices, Options (Equity, Equity Index) | Options: 9:00 - 17:30 CET, Futures: 8:00 - 22:00 CET |
Euronext France (SBF) | ETFs, Stocks, Structured Products (Turbos and Certificates), Warrants (Index, Stock) | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:40 |
Turquoise (TRQXEN) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 800 - 1630 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Budapest Stock Exchange | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:20 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
National Stock Exchange of India (NSE)* | ETFs, Futures (Currency, Equity Index, Single Stock), Indices, Options (Equity, Equity Index), Single Stock Futures, Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:15-15:30 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Tel Aviv Stock Exchange | ETFs, Stocks | Sunday 9:30 - 16:251, Mon-Thurs 9:30-17:15 Israel Standard Time |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Borsa Italiana | ETFs | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:04-17:42 |
Borsa Italiana (BVME) | Indices, Stocks, Produits structurés, Warrants (Index, Stock) | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:42 |
Borsa Italiana (IDEM) | Futures (Equity Index, Single Stock), Options (Equity, Equity Index), Single Stock Futures | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:50 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
CHI-X Japan (CHIXJ) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:00-16:00 |
JAPANNEXT | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 16:30-23:59 |
Osaka Exchange (OSE.JPN) | Futures (Equity Index, Fixed Income), Futures Options (Fixed Income), Indices, Options (Equity, Equity Index) | Index FUT: 08:45-15:10 JST, Nikkei VI FUT: 09:00-15:10 JST, Index OPT: 09:00-15:10/16:30-5:30 JST, Equity OPT: 09:00-11:30/12:30-15:10 JST, STK: 09:00-11:30/12:30-15:00 JST |
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE.JPN) | Indices | 9:00 - 11:30 JST, 12:30 - 15:00 JST |
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSEJ) | Stocks | STK: 9:00-11:30/12:30-15:00 JST |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Nasdaq Baltic (N.RIGA) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 10:00-16:00 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Nasdaq Baltic (N.VILNIUS) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 10:00-16:00 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Mexican Derivatives Exchange (MEXDER) | Futures (Currency, Equity Index, Interest Rate, Single Stock), Futures Options (Equity Index), Options (Equity) | Lundi - Vendredi: 7:30-14:00 |
Mexican Stock Exchange (MEXI) | ETFs, Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:30-15:00 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
OMXNO | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-16:30 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Bats Europe (BATEEN) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:00-16:30 |
CHI-X Europe Ltd Clearnet (CHIXEN) | ETFs, Stocks | 9:00 - 17:40 CET |
Euronext NL Derivatives (FTA) | Futures (Currency, Equity Index), Indices, Options (Currency, Equity, Equity Index) | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-22:00 |
Euronext NL Stocks (AEB) | ETFs, Stocks, Structured Products (Turbos and Certificates) | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:40 |
Turquoise (TRQXEN) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:30 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Warsaw Stock Exchange | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 11:00-17:05 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
BVL | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:00-16:40 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE) | ETFs, Futures (Equity Index, Single Stock), Indices, Options (Equity Index), Warrants | 09:00- 16:00 HKT. Derivatives trading hours vary. |
Hong Kong Stock Exchange (SEHK) | ETFs, Fixed Income (Non-US Sovereign), Options (Stock Options), Stocks, Structured Products (Callable Bull/Bear Contracts), Warrants | 9:30 - 12:00 HKT, 13:00 - 16:00 HKT |
Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (SEHKNTL) | Stocks | Morning: 09:30 - 11:30 HKT , Après-midi: 13:00 - 15:00 HKT |
Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (SEHKSTAR) | Stocks | Morning: 09:15 - 11:30 HKT , Après-midi: 13:00 - 15:00 HKT |
Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect (SEHKSZSE) | Stocks | Morning: 09:30 - 11:30 HKT , Après-midi: 13:00 - 15:00 HKT |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Bats Europe (BATEUK) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:00-16:30 |
CHI-X Europe Ltd Crest (CHIXUK) | ETFs, Stocks | 9:00 - 17:30 CET |
Intercontinental Exchange (ICE/IPE) | Futures (Energy) | Lundi - Sunday: 1:00-23:00 |
Intercontinental Exchange (ICEEU) | Futures (Equity Index, Fixed Income, Single Stock), Futures Options (Fixed Income), Indices, Options (Equity, Equity Index) | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:00-18:00 |
Intercontinental Exchange (ICEEUSOFT) | Futures (Commodities), Indices | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:45-18:00 |
LME OTC Lookalike Platform | Futures | Lundi - Vendredi: 1:00-19:00 |
London Stock Exchange (LSE) | ETFs, Indices, Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:00-16:50 |
LSE ETF Exchange | ETFs | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:50 |
LSE International Order Book (LSEIOB1) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 10:00-17:40 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Moscow Exchange | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 10:00-18:45 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Singapore Exchange (SGX) | Futures (Bond, Currency, Equity Index, Metals, Rubber, Single Stock), Futures Options (Equity Index), Indices, Options (Equity Index), Single Stock Futures (Single Stock), Stocks, Structured Products (Daily Leverage Certificates) | Securities 9:00 - 17:00 SGT |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
BATS Europe (BATECH) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:00-16:20 |
CHI-X Europe Ltd Swiss (CHIXCH) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:20 |
EUREX (SOFFEX) | Futures (Equity Index, Single Stock), Indices, Options (Equity, Equity Index) | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:30-17:20 |
SIX Swiss Exchange (EBS) | ETFs, Indices, Stocks, Warrants (Index, Stock) | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:32 |
Turquoise CH (TRQXCH) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:30 |
VIRT-X (VIRTX) | Indices, Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:40 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
Nasdaq OMX - Stockholm (OMS) | Futures (Equity Index), Indices, Options (Equity) | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:25 |
Swedish Stock Exchange (SFB) | ETFs, Indices, Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:00-17:30 |
Marché | Produit | Heures d'ouverture |
ArcaEdge (ARCAEDGE) | Stocks (OTCBB), Warrants | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:00-16:00 |
Bats BYX (BYX) | Stocks, Warrants | 8:00 - 17:00 ET |
Bats EDGX Options Exchange | Options | Lundi - Vendredi: 7:00-20:00 |
Bats Global Markets (BATS) | Options, Stocks, Warrants | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:30-20:00 |
BondDesk | Fixed Income (Corporates, Treasuries) | 8:00 - 17:00 ET |
BONDLARGE | Fixed Income | 8:00 - 17:00 ET |
Boston Options Exchange (BOX) | Options (Equity) | 9:30 - 16:00 ET |
CBOE C2 (CBOE2) | Options (Equity) | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:30-15:00 |
Cboe Futures Exchange (CFE) | Futures (Equity Index, Volatility Index), Indices | 9:30 - 16:15 ET |
CBOT (ECBOT) | Futures (Agriculture, Equity Index, Fixed Income), Futures Options (Agriculture, Equity Index, Fixed Income), Indices | Lundi - Sunday: 19:00-23:59 |
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) | Indices, Options | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:30-15:15 |
Chicago Stock Exchange (CHX) | ETFs, Stocks, Warrants | Lundi - Vendredi: 6:00-19:00 |
CME (GLOBEX) | Futures (Agriculture, Currency, Energy, Equity Index, Fixed Income), Futures Options (Currency, Equity Index), Indices | Sunday - Vendredi: 1700 - 1600 |
CME Cryptocurrencies | Futures | Sunday - Thursday: 17:00-23:59 |
Direct Edge (DRCTEDGE) | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 930 - 1600 |
Direct Edge (EDGEA) | Stocks, Warrants | Lundi - Vendredi: 930 - 1600 |
GEMINI | Options | 9:30 - 16:00 ET |
IB VWAP Dealing Network (VWAP) | Stocks (VWAPs) | 0:00 - 15:00 ET |
ICE Bakkt Bitcoin futures | Futures (Bakkt Bitcoin futures) | Sunday - Thursday: 20:00-23:59 |
ICE Futures U.S. (NYBOT) | Futures (Agriculture, Equity Index), Futures Options (Agriculture, Equity Index) | 1:30 - 15:15 - Via ICE |
ICE Futures US (ICEUS) | Futures | 8:00 - 16:00 ET |
IEX | Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:30-16:00 |
ISE Mercury | Options | 9:30 - 16:00 ET |
ISE Options Exchange (ISE) | Indices, Options (Currency, Equity, Equity Index), Warrants | 9:30 - 16:00 ET |
Knight BondPoint | Fixed Income (Corporates) | 8:00 - 17:00 ET |
Knight BondPoint for Munis | Fixed Income (Munis) | 8:00 - 17:00 ET |
Knight BondPoint for US Government Securities | Fixed Income (Corporates, Treasuries) | 8:00 - 17:00 ET |
Knight Securities | Stocks (OTCBB), Warrants | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:30-16:00 |
Long-Term Stock Exchange (LTSE) | Stocks, Warrants | 9:30 - 4:00 ET |
Members Exchange (MEMX) | Stocks, Warrants | 9:30 - 4:00 ET |
MIAX EMERALD | Options | 9:30 - 16:00 ET |
MIAX Options Exchange | Options | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:30-16:00 |
MIAX PEARL | Options, Stocks, Warrants | 9:30 - 16:00 ET |
MuniCenter | Fixed Income (Munis) | 8:00 - 17:00 ET |
NASDAQ (NASDAQ) | Indices, Stocks | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:30-16:00 |
NASDAQ OMX (NASDAQOM) | Options (Equity) | 9:30 - 16:00 ET |
NASDAQ OMX BX (BEX) | ETFs, Stocks | 9:30-16:00 ET |
NASDAQ OMX BX Options Exchange | Options | 9:30 - 16:00 ET |
NASDAQ OMX PSX (PSX) | Stocks, Warrants | 9:30-16:00 ET |
NASDAQ/Island | Stocks, Warrants | Lundi - Vendredi: 4:00-20:00 |
National Stock Exchange (NSX) | Indices | 9:30 - 16:00 ET |
New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) | Futures (Energy, Metals, Soft Commodities), Futures Options (Energy, Metals), Indices | Sunday 18:00 - Vendredi 17:15 ET |
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) | Indices, Stocks, Warrants | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:30-16:00 |
NYSE American (AMEX) | ETFs, Indices, Options (Equity, Equity Index), Stocks, Warrants | Lundi - Vendredi: 7:00-20:00 |
NYSE Arca (ARCA) | ETFs, Stocks, Warrants | Lundi - Vendredi: 4:00-20:00 |
NYSE Arca (PSE) | Indices, Options (Equity, Equity Index) | Lundi - Vendredi: 6:30-13:00 |
NYSE Arca Bonds (NYSE BONDS) | Fixed Income (Corporates) | Lundi - Vendredi: 800 - 1700 |
NYSE Liffe US (NYSELIFFE) | Futures (Equity Index, Metals), Futures Options (Metals), Indices | 19:16-17:00 Sunday-Friday ET, 19:18-17 Sunday-Friday ET - Gold and Silver options only |
NYSE National | Stocks, Warrants | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:30-16:00 EST |
OTC Markets Pink (PINK) | Stocks (OTC Bulletin Board), Warrants | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:30-16:00 |
Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) | Indices, Options (Equity, Equity Index) | Lundi - Vendredi: 9:30-16:00 |
Small Exchange (SMFE) | Futures | Lundi - Vendredi: 7:00-16:00 |
Tradeweb for Munis | Fixed Income (Munis) | 8:00 - 17:00 ET |
Tradeweb for US Government Securities | Bills, Fixed Income (Treasuries) | Lundi - Vendredi: 730 - 1700 |
Tradeweb US Corporate Bonds | Fixed Income | Lundi - Vendredi: 8:00 - 17:00 |