Introductions en bourse : calendrier des IPO 2024
Quelles sociétés vont faire leur entrée en bourse en 2024 ? Et quelles sociétés ont déjà été introduites en bourse cette année ? Ne ratez plus jamais une introduction en bourse grâce à notre calendrier !
Une introduction en bourse ou IPO (offre publique initiale) correspond à la première cotation des actions d’une société sur un marché boursier. Dans le cadre d’une IPO, les investisseurs privés ont le plus souvent la possibilité d’en acheter. Cette opération est souvent précédée d’une souscription, afin que les investisseurs puissent obtenir les actions au prix d’introduction. Si vous n’y participez pas, vous pouvez alors acheter des actions en bourse. Les entreprises ont souvent recours aux introductions en bourse pour lever des capitaux. Les chefs de grandes entreprises privées s’en servent, quant à eux, pour vendre une participation (majoritaire) et négocier les actions sur le marché.
Le tableau ci-dessous vous présente avec soin un calendrier des IPO. Ce calendrier des IPO regroupe une sélection d’introductions boursières qui auront lieu en 2024. Vous êtes donc toujours avertie des dates auxquelles les nouvelles introductions en bourse ont lieu.
Qu’est-ce qu’une introduction en bourse, précisément ?
Une introduction ou IPO (Initial Public Offering) désigne la première vente d’actions faite par une entreprise auprès du public.
Une introduction en bourse ou IPO est en règle générale un processus relativement coûteux et long. Lorsque des actions sont émises dans le cadre d’une émission initiale (ou IPO), une ou plusieurs banques sont généralement concernées en tant que banque émettrice (underwriter). Les banques aident la société émettrice d’actions en sollicitant sérieusement des investisseurs potentiels.
Bien entendu, une IPO n’est pas sans risques. Si l’intérêt se révèle défavorable, moins d’actions sont proposées et la société encaisse moins d’argent que prévu. Autre possibilité, adapter le prix d’introduction à la baisse. Il arrive, parfois, que les banques garantissent le placement de tous les titres proposés et perçoivent une commission auprès de la société émettrice. Les actions non placées demeurent alors dans les banques qui les gèrent.
Les banques, ainsi que les experts-comptables et les conseillers juridiques, accompagnent la société émettrice à établir un prospectus. Ce document décrit la situation financière de l’entreprise. Essentiel pour le choix des acheteurs potentiels, il est rédigé avec soin, car des erreurs ou des omissions peuvent avoir de graves conséquences. Aux États-Unis, le prospectus doit toujours être approuvé par la SEC (autorité de régulation américaine) avant l’introduction en bourse.
Lors de l’introduction en bourse, le prix IPO est primordial. Si les titres sont vendus à un prix légèrement inférieur à leur valeur probable, les acheteurs potentiels peuvent être séduits. Il en résulte une augmentation de l’action en question immédiatement après l’introduction en bourse. Prix trop bas ? L’entreprise manque cependant de capital. Prix trop élevé ? L’entreprise court le risque que les banques ne cèdent pas les actions. Il faut donc optimiser le prix des actions.
Calendrier IPO
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Précédentes IPO
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Sociétés | Bourse | ISIN | WKN | Date IPO | Prix d'émission attendu | Premier cours de bourse |
TPG Inc | NASDAQ | US8726571016 | A3DC2Y | 13.01.2022 | 29,50 EUR | 33,54 USD |
Bausch + Lomb Corp | NYSE | CA0717051076 | A3DLMS | 06.05.2022 | 18,00 USD | 18,50 USD |
Porsche AG Vz | FWB | DE000PAG9113 | PAG911 | 29.09.2022 | 82.50 EUR | 82.50 EUR |
Mobileye Global Inc | NASDAQ | US60741F1049 | MBLY | 26.10.2022 | 21.00 USD | 21.00 USD |
Sociétés | Bourse | ISIN | WKN | Date IPO | Prix d'émission attendu | Premier cours de bourse |
Affirm Holdings | Nasdaq | US00827B1061 | A2QL1G | 14.01.2021 | 49.00 USD | 97.24 USD |
Qualtrics International Inc | Nasdaq | US7476012015 | A2QLPC | 28.01.2021 | 30.00 USD | 45.50 USD |
Bumble Inc | Nasdaq | US12047B1052 | A2QMTA | 11.02.2021 | 43.00 USD | 70.31 USD |
Roblox Corp | NYSE | US7710491033 | A2QHVS | 11.03.2021 | 45.00 USD | 64.50 USD |
Coupang LLC | NYSE | US22266T1097 | A2QQZ2 | 11.03.2021 | 35.00 USD | 49.25 USD |
Vantage Towers | Xetra | DE000A3H3LL2 | A3H3LL | 18.03.2021 | 24.00 EUR | 24.80 EUR |
Deliveroo | London | GB00BNC5T391 | DLV007 | 31.03.2021 | 331.00 USD | 287.45 USD |
Coinbase Global Inc | Nasdaq | US19260Q1076 | A2QP7J | 14.04.2021 | 200.00 USD | 328.28 USD |
Synlab AG | Xetra | DE000A2TSL71 | A2TSL7 | 30.04.2021 | 18.00 EUR | 19.24 EUR |
SUSE S.A. | Xetra | LU2333210958 | SUSE5A | 19.05.2021 | 30.00 EUR | 29.50 EUR |
Squarespace Inc | NYSE | US85225A1079 | A3CQRK | 20.05.2021 | 68.42 USD | 43.65 USD |
Oatly Group | Nasdaq | US67421J1088 | A3CQRG | 20.05.2021 | 17.00 USD | 20.20 USD |
Uipath Inc | NYSE | NET000UIP741 | UIP741 | 22.04.2021 | 56.00 USD | 69.00 USD |
Pepco Group | Warsaw Stock Exchange | NL0015000AU7 | A3CQ3M | 26.05.2021 | 42.00 PLN | 45.00 PLN |
Ziprecruiter Inc | NYSE | US98980B1035 | A3CQ3L | 27.05.2021 | 25.04 USD | 21.10 USD |
ABOUT YOU | Frankfurt | DE000A3CNK42 | A3CNK4 | 16.06.2021 | 23.00 EUR | 25.60 EUR |
Didi Global Inc | NYSE | US23292E1082 | A3CTLG | 01.07.2021 | 14.00 USD | 14.14 USD |
Mister Spex SE | Xetra | DE000A3CSAE2 | A3CSAE | 02.07.2021 | 25.00 EUR | 25.38 EUR |
Robinhood Markets Inc | Nasdaq | US7707001027 | A3CVQC | 29.07.2021 | 38.00 USD | 34.82 USD |
Traeger Inc | NYSE | US89269P1030 | A3CWBD | 29.07.2021 | 18.00 USD | 22.00 USD |
Weber Inc | NYSE | US94770D1028 | A3CVT7 | 05.08.2021 | 14.00 USD | 17.02 USD |
Universal Music Group | Amsterdam | NL0015000IY2 | A3C291 | 21.09.2021 | 18.50 EUR | 25.20 EUR |
Amplitude Inc | Nasdaq | US03213A1043 | A3C36H | 28.09.2020 | 50.00 USD | 73.07 USD |
Warby Parker Inc | NYSE | US93403J1060 | A3C49J | 29.09.2021 | 40.00 USD | 53.96 USD |
Olaplex Holdings Inc | Nasdaq | US6793691089 | A3C49H | 30.09.2021 | 21.00 USD | 26.18 USD |
Gitlab | Nasdaq | US37637K1088 | A3C5G2 | 14.10.2021 | 77.00 USD | 94.25 USD |
Ovh Groupe SAS | Paris | FR0014005HJ9 | A3C45N | 15.10.2021 | 18.50 EUR | 20.13 EUR |
Globalfoundries Inc | Nasdaq | KYG393871085 | A3C6AF | 28.10.2021 | 47.00 USD | 47.00 USD |
Allbirds | Nasdaq | US01675A1097 | A3C5KX | 03.11.2021 | 15.00 USD | 21.21 USD |
Rivian Automotive Inc | Nasdaq | US76954A1034 | A3C47B | 11.11.2021 | 78.00 USD | 106.80 USD |
Nu Holding | NYSE | KYG6683N1034 | A3C82G | 09.12.2021 | 9.00 USD | 11.25 USD |
Samsara Inc | NYSE | US79589L1061 | A3C9GD | 15.12.2021 | 23.00 USD | 24.90 USD |
Société | Bourse | ISIN | WKN | Date IPO | Prix d'émission attendu | Premier cours de bourse |
I MAB | Nasdaq | US44975P1030 | A2PVC6 | 17.01.2020 | 14,00 USD | 14,75 USD |
AnPac Bio-Medical Science | Nasdaq | US03635R1077 | A2PVC4 | 30.01.2020 | 12,00 USD | 12,00 USD |
Black Diamond Therapeutics Inc | Nasdaq | US09203E1055 | A2PYWB | 30.01.2020 | 19,00 USD | 33,00 USD |
1Life Healthcare Inc | Nasdaq | US68269G1076 | A2PX5T | 31.01.2020 | 14,00 USD | 18,00 USD |
Arcutis Biotherapeutics Inc | Nasdaq | US03969K1088 | A2PYWE | 31.01.2020 | 17,00 USD | 23,05 USD |
Reynolds Consumer Products Inc | Nasdaq | US76171L1061 | A2PYUS | 31.01.2020 | 26,00 USD | 27,50 USD |
Casper Sleep | NYSE | US1476261052 | A2PY6B | 06.02.2020 | 12,00 USD | 14,50 USD |
Schrodinger Inc | Nasdaq | US80810D1037 | A2PY7M | 06.02.2020 | 17,00 USD | 26,00 USD |
Revolution Medicines Inc | Nasdaq | US76155X1000 | A2PYWG | 13.02.2020 | 17,00 USD | 28,21 USD |
Imara Inc | Nasdaq | US45249V1070 | A2P0EP | 12.03.2020 | 16,00 USD | 14,00 USD |
Zentalis Pharmaceuticals Llc | Nasdaq | US98943L1070 | A2P209 | 03.04.2020 | 18,00 USD | 25,20 USD |
Keros Therapeutics Inc | Nasdaq | US4923271013 | A2P2YF | 08.04.2020 | 16,00 USD | 20,85 USD |
Oric Pharmaceuticals Inc | Nasdaq | US68622P1093 | A2P208 | 24.04.2020 | 16,00 USD | 26,00 USD |
Zoominfo Technologies Inc | Nasdaq | US98980F1049 | A2P5HE | 04.06.2020 | 21,00 USD | 32,54 USD |
Warner Music Group | Nasdaq | US9345502036 | A2P0W9 | 06.06.2020 | 25,00 USD | 27,66 USD |
Royalty Pharma PLC | Nasdaq | GB00BMVP7Y09 | A2P62D | 18.06.2020 | 28,00 USD | 41,26 USD |
Albertsons Companies | NYSE | US0130911037 | A14YJM | 25.06.2020 | 16,00 USD | 13,36 USD |
Dun And Bradstreet Holding Inc | NYSE | US26484T1060 | A2P587 | 02.07.2020 | 22,00 USD | 24,77 USD |
Pershing Square Tontine Holdings | NYSE | US71531R2085 | A2P9G3 | 24.07.2020 | 20,00 USD | 22,20 USD |
Curevac Bv | Nasdaq | NL0015436031 | A2P71U | 13.08.2020 | 16,00 USD | 52,11 USD |
Ke Holdings Inc | NYSE | US4824971042 | A2QBE8 | 13.08.2020 | 20,00 USD | 59,51 USD |
Foley Trasimene Acquisition II Corp | NYSE | US3443282088 | A2QBZY | 20.08.2020 | 10,00 USD | 10,45 USD |
Xpeng Inc | NYSE | US98422D1054 | A2QBX7 | 27.08.2020 | 15,00 USD | 19,44 USD |
Broadstone Net Lease Inc | NYSE | US11135E1047 | A2QCUK | 17.09.2020 | 17,00 USD | 16,66 USD |
Jfrog Ltd | Nasdaq | IL0011684185 | A2QCJN | 17.09.2020 | 44,00 USD | 72,06 USD |
Metacrine Inc | Nasdaq | US59101E1038 | A2QC1K | 17.09.2020 | 13,00 USD | 10,06 USD |
Outset Medical Inc | Nasdaq | US6901451079 | A2QB2U | 17.09.2020 | 27,00 USD | 60,01 USD |
Pactiv Evergreen Inc | Nasdaq | US69526K1051 | A2QCUG | 17.09.2020 | 14,00 USD | 11,25 USD |
Snowflake Inc | NYSE | US8334451098 | A2QB38 | 17.09.2020 | 120,00 USD | 234,06 USD |
Stepstone Group Inc | Nasdaq | US85914M1071 | A2QCW6 | 17.09.2020 | 18,00 USD | 25,01 USD |
Sumo Logic Inc | Nasdaq | US86646P1030 | A2QB17 | 17.09.2020 | 22,00 USD | 26,50 USD |
Unity Software Inc | NYSE | US91332U1016 | A2QCFX | 17.09.2020 | 52,00 USD | 64,47 USD |
Pactiv Evergreen Inc | Nasdaq | US69526K1051 | A2QCUG | 17.09.2020 | 14,00 USD | 11,25 USD |
Broadstone Net Lease Inc | NYSE | US11135E1047 | A2QCUK | 17.09.2020 | 17,00 USD | 16,66 USD |
Jfrog Ltd | Nasdaq | IL0011684185 | A2QCJN | 17.09.2020 | 44,00 USD | 72,06 USD |
Sumo Logic Inc | Nasdaq | US86646P1030 | A2QB17 | 17.09.2020 | 22,00 USD | 26,50 USD |
Outset Medical Inc | Nasdaq | US6901451079 | A2QB2U | 17.09.2020 | 27,00 USD | 60,01 USD |
Metacrine Inc | Nasdaq | US59101E1038 | A2QC1K | 17.09.2020 | 13,00 USD | 10,06 USD |
Goodrx Holding | Nasdaq | US38246G1085 | A2QBX9 | 24.09.2020 | 33,00 USD | 50,50 USD |
Hensoldt Ag | Xetra | DE000HAG0005 | HAG000 | 25.09.2020 | 12,00 EUR | 11,00 EUR |
Siemens Energy | Frankfurt | DE000ENER6Y0 | ENER6Y | 28.09.2020 | 22,01 EUR | |
Asana Inc | NYSE | US04342Y1047 | A2QAMV | 01.10.2020 | 28,00 USD | 28,80 USD |
Palantir Technologies Inc | NYSE | US69608A1088 | A2QA4J | 01.10.2020 | 11,50 USD | 9,50 USD |
Allegro | Warsaw | LU2237380790 | A2QEGF | 12.10.2020 | 43,00 ZLY | 69,39 ZLY |
McAfee Corp | Nasdaq | US5790631080 | A2QE45 | 22.10.2020 | 20,00 USD | 18,64 USD |
Doordash | NYSE | US0090661010 | A2QHEA | 09.12.2020 | 102,00 USD | 175,00 USD |
Airbnb | Nasdaq | US0090661010 | A2QG35 | 10.12.2020 | 68,00 USD | 144,71 USD |
ContextLogic (Wish) | Nasdaq | US21077C1071 | A2QKC4 | 17.12.2020 | 24,00 USD | 20,05 USD |
Société | Bourse | ISIN | WKN | Date IPO | Prix d'émission attendu | Premier cours de bourse |
Alector Inc | Nasdaq | US0144421072 | A2PCBM | 07.01.2019 | 19,00 USD | 18,70 USD |
ShockWave Medical | Nasdaq | US82489T1043 | A2PEF3 | 07.03.2019 | 17,00 USD | 30,34 USD |
Diaceutics | London | GB00BJQTGV64 | A2PF80 | 21.03.2019 | 0,76 GBP | 0,90 GBP |
Levi Strauss & Co | NYSE | US52736R1023 | A2TR91 | 22.03.2019 | 17,00 USD | 22,22 USD |
Lyft | NYSE | US55087P1049 | A2PE38 | 01.04.2019 | 72,00 USD | 81,27 USD |
Silk Road Medical Inc | Nasdaq | US82710M1009 | A2PFG4 | 04.04.2019 | 20,00 USD | 33,15 USD |
Tradeweb Markets Inc | Nasdaq | US8926721064 | A2PGG8 | 04.04.2019 | 27,00 USD | 34,26 USD |
Guardion Health Sciences | Nasdaq | US40145Q2030 | A2PP69 | 05.04.2019 | 4,00 USD | 3,80 USD |
Network International Holdings | London | GB00BH3VJ782 | A2PG3 | 10.04.2019 | 4,35 GBP | 5,15 GBP |
Jumia Technologies | NYSE | US48138M1053 | A2PGZM | 12.04.2019 | 14,50 USD | 18,95 USD |
Stadler Rail | SIX Schweiz | CH0002178181 | A2ACPS | 15.04.2019 | 39,50 CHF | 43,10 CHF |
Turning Point Therapeutics Inc | NYSE | US90041T1088 | A2PGMX | 17.04.2019 | 18,00 USD | 24,25 USD |
Palomar Holdings Inc | Nasdaq | US69753M1053 | A2PHB6 | 17.04.2019 | 15,00 USD | 18,50 USD |
Zoom Video Communications Registered | Nasdaq | US98980L1017 | A2PGJ2 | 18.04.2019 | 36,00 USD | 56,16 USD |
Pinterest Registered | Nasdaq | US72352L1061 | A2PGMG | 18.04.2019 | 19,00 USD | 23,75 USD |
Beyond Meat | NYSE | US08862E1091 | A2N7XQ | 02.05.2019 | 25,00 USD | 46,00 USD |
Cortexyme Inc | NYSE | US22053A1079 | A2PHHD | 09.05.2019 | 17,00 USD | 20,00 USD |
NextCure Inc | Nasdaq | US65343E1082 | A2PHHE | 09.05.2019 | 15,00 USD | 19,48 USD |
Uber Technologies | NYSE | US90353T1007 | A2PHHG | 10.05.2019 | 45,00 USD | 42,00 USD |
Luckin Coffee | Nasdaq | US54951L1098 | A2PJ6S | 17.05.2019 | 17,00 USD | 21,02 USD |
Fastly Registered | NYSE | US31188V1008 | A2PH9T | 17.05.2019 | 16,00 USD | 21,50 USD |
GSX Techedu | NYSE | US36257Y1091 | A2PLR7 | 06.06.2019 | 10,50 USD | 12,10 USD |
CrowdStrike Holdings Registered | Nasdaq | US22788C1053 | A2PK2R | 12.06.2019 | 34,00 USD | 63,50 USD |
TRATON | Xetra | DE000TRAT0N7 | TRAT0N | 27.06.2019 | 27,00 EUR | 27,00 EUR |
Global Fashion Group | Xetra | LU2010095458 | A2PLUG | 02.07.2019 | 4,50 EUR | 4,47 EUR |
Spielvereinigung Unterhaching Fussball GmbH | Xetra | DE000A2TR919 | A2TR91 | 26.07.2019 | 8,10 EUR | 12,00 EUR |
10x Genomics Registered | Nasdaq | US88025U1097 | A2PPQJ | 12.09.2019 | 39,00 USD | 54,00 USD |
SpringWorks Therapeutics | CNSX/ CSE | US85205L1070 | A2PRLN | 13.09.2019 | 18,00 USD | 22,65 USD |
Cloudflare Inc | Nasdaq | US18915M1071 | A2PQMN | 13.09.2019 | 15,00 USD | 18,00 USD |
IGM Biosciences Inc | Nasdaq | US4495851085 | A2PPQK | 18.09.2019 | 16,00 USD | 35,14 USD |
Datadog Registered | Nasdaq | US23804L1035 | A2PSFR | 19.09.2019 | 27,00 USD | 37,25 USD |
TeamViewer | Frankfurt | DE000A2YN900 | A2YN90 | 24.09.2019 | 26,25 EUR | 26,25 EUR |
BioNTech | Nasdaq | US09075V1026 | A2PSR2 | 10.10.2019 | 15,00 USD | 16,50 USD |
Phathom Pharmaceuticals Inc | Nasdaq | US71722W1071 | A2PT0F | 25.10.2019 | 19,00 USD | 22,50 USD |
Progyny Inc | Nasdaq | US74340E1038 | A2PT5Q | 25.10.2019 | 13,00 USD | 13,50 USD |
Oyster Point Pharma Inc | Nasdaq | US69242L1061 | A2PTTE | 31.10.2019 | 16,00 USD | 16,50 USD |
Centogene | Nasdaq | NL0014040206 | A2PUCU | 07.11.2019 | 14,00 USD | 14,10 USD |
89bio Inc | Nasdaq | US2825591033 | A2PUP8 | 11.11.2019 | 16,00 USD | 20,00 USD |
Société | Bourse | ISIN | WKN | Date IPO | Prix d'émission attendu | Premier cours de bourse |
Industrial Logistics Properties Trust | Nasdaq | US4562371066 | A2JBRN | 12.01.2018 | 24,00 USD | 23,70 USD |
Americold Realty Trust of Benef Interest | NYSE | US03064D1081 | A0Q9XQ | 19.01.2018 | 16,00 USD | 18,00 USD |
ARMO BioSciences | Nasdaq | US04225U1043 | A2JC5H | 26.01.2018 | 17,00 USD | 28,00 USD |
Dermapharm Holding | Frankfurt | DE000A2GS5D8 | A2GS5D | 08.02.2018 | 28,00 EUR | 28,00 EUR |
Cardlytics | Nasdaq | US14161W1053 | A2JDMC | 09.02.2018 | 13,00 USD | 12,10 USD |
STEMMER IMAGING | Frankfurt | DE000A2G9MZ9 | A2G9MZ | 22.02.2018 | 34,00 EUR | 36,00 EUR |
BioXcel Therapeutics | Nasdaq | US09075P1057 | A2JF20 | 08.03.2018 | 11,00 USD | 11,02 USD |
Arcus Biosciences | NYSE | US03969F1093 | A2JGDZ | 15.03.2018 | 15,00 USD | 20,00 USD |
Zscaler | Nasdaq | US98980G1022 | A2JF28 | 16.03.2018 | 16,00 USD | 27,50 USD |
Siemens Healthineers AG | Frankfurt | DE000SHL1006 | SHL10 | 16.03.2018 | 28,00 EUR | 29,10 EUR |
DWS Group | Frankfurt | DE000DWS1007 | DWS100 | 21.03.2018 | 32,50 EUR | 32,55 EUR |
Dropbox Inc | Nasdaq | US26210C1045 | A2JE48 | 23.03.2018 | 21,00 USD | 29,00 USD |
Bilibili | Nasdaq | US0900401060 | A2JG7L | 28.03.2018 | 11,50 USD | 9,80 USD |
Ceridian HCM Holding | NYSE | US15677J1088 | A2JHZH | 26.04.2018 | 22,00 USD | 28,74 USD |
Smartsheet Registered | NYSE | US83200N1037 | A2JHJH | 27.04.2018 | 15,00 USD | 18,40 USD |
Goosehead Insurance Registered | Nasdaq | US38267D1090 | A2JNTN | 27.04.2018 | 10,00 USD | 12,00 USD |
DocuSign | Nasdaq | US2561631068 | A2JHLZ | 28.04.2018 | 29,00 USD | 38,00 USD |
Inspire Medical Systems | NYSE | US4577301090 | A2JLEP | 03.05.2018 | 16,00 USD | 24,49 USD |
Avast | London | GB00BDD85M81 | A2JLZU | 15.05.2018 | 2,50 GBP | 2,49 GBP |
home24 | Frankfurt | DE000A14KEB5 | A14KEB | 13.06.2018 | 23,00 EUR | 28,50 EUR |
Avalara | NYSE | US05338G1067 | A2JNYN | 15.06.2018 | 24,00 USD | 35,00 USD |
Eidos Therapeutics Inc | Nasdaq | US28249H1041 | A2JN5Y | 20.06.2018 | 17,00 USD | 20,00 USD |
Forty Seven Inc | Nasdaq | US34983P1049 | A2JNTD | 28.06.2018 | 16,00 USD | 15,01 USD |
Tricida | Nasdaq | US89610F1012 | A2JPBU | 28.06.2018 | 19,00 USD | 25,00 USD |
EverQuote Inc Class | Nasdaq | US30041R1086 | A2JPMX | 28.06.2018 | 18,00 USD | 20,59 USD |
creditshelf | Frankfurt | DE000A2LQUA5 | A2LQUA | 18.07.2018 | 80,00 EUR | 80,00 EUR |
Constellation Pharmaceuticals Inc | Nasdaq | US2103731061 | A2JQTE | 19.07.2018 | 15,00 USD | 11,48 USD |
Allakos Inc | Nasdaq | US01671P1003 | A2JQTK | 19.07.2018 | 18,00 USD | 27,20 USD |
Pinduoduo | NYSE | US7223041028 | A2JRK6 | 26.07.2018 | 19,00 USD | 26,50 USD |
Endava Ltd | NYSE | US29260V1052 | A2JRLY | 27.07.2018 | 20,00 USD | 25,00 USD |
Principia Biopharma Inc | NYSE | US74257L1089 | A2N4RZ | 14.09.2018 | 17,00 USD | 25,66 USD |
Arvinas | Nasdaq | US04335A1051 | A2N6VP | 27.09.2018 | 16,00 USD | 21,00 USD |
Guardant Health Inc | Nasdaq | US40131M1099 | A2N5RY | 04.10.2018 | 19,00 USD | 27,75 USD |
Knorr-Bremse | Frankfurt | DE000KBX1006 | KBX100 | 10.10.2018 | 80,00 EUR | 80,10 EUR |
Twist Bioscience Corporation | Nasdaq | US90184D1000 | A2N7L2 | 31.10.2018 | 14,00 USD | 14,90 USD |
DFV Deutsche Familienversicherung AG | Frankfurt | DE000A2NBVD5 | A2NBVD | 04.12.2018 | 12,00 EUR | 12,30 EUR |
Tencent Music Entertainment Group | NYSE | US88034P1093 | A2N7WQ | 12.12.2018 | 13,00 USD | 14,10 USD |
Société | Bourse | ISIN | WKN | Date IPO | Prix d'émission attendu | Premier cours de bourse |
Invitation Homes | NYSE | US46187W1071 | A2DK5V | 31.01.2017 | 20,00 USD | 20,18 USD |
Diversified Gas & Oil PLC | London | GB00BYX7JT74 | A2DLN8 | 03.02.2017 | 0,650 GBP | 0,75 GBP |
Ramsdens Holdings | London | GB00BDR6V192 | A2DLP5 | 15.02.2017 | 0,860 GBP | 1,17 GBP |
Hamilton Lane Incorporated | Nasdaq | US4074971064 | A2DM1T | 01.03.2017 | 16,00 USD | 19,23 USD |
Snap Inc | NYSE | US83304A1060 | A2DLMS | 01.03.2017 | 17,00 USD | 23,51 USD |
K3 Capital Group | London | GB00BF1HPD20 | A2DP16 | 11.04.2017 | 0,950 GBP | 0,10 GBP |
Boston Omaha Registered | Nasdaq | US1010441053 | A2DUKW | 15.06.2017 | 13,00 USD | 13,00 USD |
Vapiano SE | Xetra | DE000A0WMNK9 | A0WMNK | 27.06.2017 | 23,00 EUR | 23,00 EUR |
Akcea Therapeutics Inc | Nasdaq | US00972L1070 | A2DUYE | 29.06.2017 | 8,00 USD | 8,13 USD |
Noratis | Frankfurt | DE000A2E4MK4 | A2E4MK | 30.06.2017 | 18,75 EUR | 16,54 EUR |
Delivery Hero | Frankfurt | DE000A2E4K43 | A2E4K4 | 30.06.2017 | 25,50 EUR | 26,90 EUR |
Naga Group | Frankfurt | DE000A161NR7 | A161NR | 10.07.2017 | 2,60 EUR | 2,60 EUR |
PetIQ Inc | Nasdaq | US71639T1060 | A2DU79 | 21.07.2017 | 16,00 USD | 21,00 USD |
Zealand Pharma | Nasdaq | US98920Y3045 | A2DV1V | 09.08.2017 | 17,87 USD | 18,12 USD |
Zai Lab Ltd | Nasdaq | US98887Q1040 | A2DX1V | 20.09.2017 | 18,00 USD | 24,25 USD |
Krystal Biotech | Nasdaq | US5011471027 | A2JH2F | 20.09.2017 | 10,00 USD | 10,50 USD |
Deciphera Pharmaceuticals Inc | Nasdaq | US24344T1016 | A2H48H | 28.09.2017 | 17,00 USD | 20,05 USD |
Roku Registered | Nasdaq | US77543R1023 | A2DW4X | 28.09.2017 | 14,00 USD | 15,78 USD |
OrthoPediatrics | Nasdaq | US68752L1008 | A2JAAV | 12.10.2017 | 13,00 USD | 18,00 USD |
CarGurus | Nasdaq | US1417881091 | A2DX5H | 12.10.2017 | 16,00 USD | 29,00 USD |
Voltabox | Frankfurt | DE000A2E4LE9 | A2E4LE | 13.10.2017 | 24,00 EUR | 30,00 EUR |
Varta | Frankfurt | DE000A0TGJ55 | A0TGJ5 | 19.10.2017 | 17,50 EUR | 24,25 EUR |
MongoDB | Nasdaq | US60937P1066 | A2DYB1 | 19.10.2017 | 24,00 USD | 33,00 USD |
Sea Limited | NYSE | US81141R1005 | A2H5LX | 20.10.2017 | 15,00 USD | 16,25 USD |
Mynaric | Frankfurt | DE000A0JCY11 | A0JCY1 | 30.10.2017 | 54,00 EUR | 53,50 EUR |
Altair Engineering | Nasdaq | US0213691035 | A2DYPC | 01.11.2017 | 13,00 USD | 17,00 USD |
Hello Fresh | Frankfurt | DE000A161408 | A16140 | 02.11.2017 | 10,25 EUR | 10,60 EUR |
Befesa SA | Frankfurt | LU1704650164 | A2H5Z1 | 03.11.2017 | 28,00 EUR | 28,00 EUR |
Apellis Pharmaceuticals | Nasdaq | US03753U1060 | A2JAAW | 09.11.2017 | 14,00 USD | 14,50 USD |
Bandwidth Registered | Nasdaq | US05988J1034 | A2H7JF | 10.11.2017 | 20,00 USD | 21,25 USD |
Société | Bourse | ISIN | WKN | Date IPO | Prix d'émission attendu | Premier cours de bourse |
RockRose Energy | London | GB00BYNFCH09 | A2ACHQ | 13.01.2016 | 0,50 GBP | 0,52 GBP |
BeiGene | Nasdaq | US07725L1026 | A1437N | 02.02.2016 | 24,00 USD | 28,97 USD |
B.R.A.I.N. Biotechnology Research and Information Network | Frankfurt | DE0005203947 | 520394 | 09.02.2016 | 9,00 EUR | 9,00 EUR |
MGM Growth Properties | NYSE | US55303A1051 | A2AGU7 | 20.04.2016 | 21,00 USD | 22,77 USD |
Red Rock Resort | Nasdaq | US75700L1089 | A2AHN4 | 27.04.2016 | 19,50 USD | 16,43 USD |
Intellia Therapeutic | Nasdaq | US45826J1051 | A2AG6H | 06.05.2016 | 18,00 USD | 22,79 USD |
SiteOne Landscape Supply | NYSE | US82982L1035 | A2AJXA | 12.05.2016 | 21,00 USD | 25,64 USD |
Acacia Communications Inc | Nasdaq | US00401C1080 | A2ACND | 13.05.2016 | 23,00 USD | 30,99 USD |
Reata Pharmaceuticals | Nasdaq | US75615P1030 | A2ALQV | 26.05.2016 | 11,00 USD | 14,00 USD |
US Foods Holding | NYSE | US9120081099 | A2AHWK | 26.05.2016 | 23,00 USD | 24,22 USD |
Atkore International Group | NYSE | US0476491081 | A2ALP3 | 10.06.2016 | 16,00 USD | 15,91 USD |
Twilio Inc | NYSE | US90138F1021 | A2ALP4 | 23.06.2016 | 15,00 USD | 23,99 USD |
LINE | NYSE | US53567X1019 | A2ALYU | 14.07.2016 | 32,84 USD | 42,00 USD |
Impinj | Nasdaq | US4532041096 | A2ANZB | 21.07.2016 | 14,00 USD | 18,00 USD |
Tactile Systems Technology | Nasdaq | US87357P1003 | A2APEV | 28.07.2016 | 10,00 USD | 11,60 USD |
Kinsale Capital Group | Nasdaq | US49714P1084 | A2APEC | 28.07.2016 | 16,00 USD | 18,00 USD |
First Hawaiian | Nasdaq | US32051X1081 | A2APM9 | 04.08.2016 | 23,00 USD | 25,00 USD |
Uniper | Frankfurt | DE000UNSE018 | UNSE01 | 12.09.2016 | 10,02 EUR | 10,02 EUR |
Novan | Nasdaq | US66988N1063 | A2AR9U | 21.09.2016 | 11,00 USD | 14,40 USD |
Valvoline | NYSE | US92047W1018 | A2ARFC | 23.09.2016 | 22,00 USD | 24,18 USD |
Nutanix | Nasdaq | US67059N1081 | A2ACQE | 30.09.2016 | 16,00 USD | 26,50 USD |
Coupa Software | Nasdaq | US22266L1061 | A2ASF5 | 06.10.2016 | 18,00 USD | 29,00 USD |
innogy | Frankfurt | DE000A2AADD2 | A2AADD | 07.10.2016 | 36,00 EUR | 37,30 EUR |
Extraction Oil & Gas | Nasdaq | US30227M1053 | A2ASU8 | 12.10.2016 | 19,00 USD | 22,75 USD |
iRhythm Technologies | Nasdaq | US4500561067 | A2ATTS | 20.10.2016 | 17,00 USD | 26,75 USD |
Ra Pharmaceuticals | Nasdaq | US74933V1089 | A2DFYM | 26.10.2016 | 13,00 USD | 14,16 USD |
BlackLine | Nasdaq | US09239B1098 | A2AS8C | 28.10.2016 | 17,00 USD | 22,35 USD |
GDS Holdings | Nasdaq | US36165L1089 | A2DFYV | 02.11.2016 | 10,00 USD | 10,00 USD |
Innovative Industrial Properties | NYSE | US45781V1017 | A2DGXH | 01.12.2016 | 20,00 USD | 20,49 USD |
Athene Holding | Frankfurt | BMG0684D1074 | A2DHW0 | 09.12.2016 | 40,00 USD | 44,46 USD |
Trivago | Nasdaq | US46187W1071 | A2DH0T | 16.12.2016 | 11,00 USD | 11,20 USD |
Société | Bourse | ISIN | WKN | Date IPO | Prix d'émission attendu | Premier cours de bourse |
Tele Columbus | Frankfurt | DE000TCAG172 | TCAG17 | 23.01.2015 | 10,00 EUR | 8,06 EUR |
Box | NYSE | US10316T1043 | A110YG | 23.01.2015 | 14,00 USD | 20,23 USD |
Shake Shack | NYSE | US8190471016 | A14MVX | 30.01.2015 | 21,00 USD | 45,56 USD |
Ferratum | Frankfurt | FI4000106299 | A1W9NS | 06.02.2015 | 17,00 EUR | 15,00 EUR |
Aena | Madrid | ES0105046009 | A12D3A | 12.02.2015 | 70,00 USD | 98,30 USD |
Wizz Air | London | JE00BN574F90 | A14NPS | 18.03.2015 | 11,50 GBP | 12,00 GBP |
Etsy | Nasdaq | US29786A1060 | A14P98 | 16.04.2015 | 16,00 USD | 31,00 USD |
Enviva Partners | NYSE | US29414J1079 | A14SDE | 29.04.2015 | 20,00 USD | 20,31 USD |
Blueprint Medicines | Nasdaq | US09627Y1091 | A14SDD | 30.04.2015 | 18,00 USD | 23,40 USD |
SIXT Leasing | Frankfurt | DE000A0DPRE6 | A0DPRE | 07.05.2015 | 20,00 EUR | 20,00 EUR |
Siltronic | Frankfurt | DE000WAF3001 | WAF300 | 11.06.2015 | 30,00 EUR | 36,80 EUR |
Wingstop | Nasdaq | US9741551033 | A14UYK | 12.06.2015 | 19,00 USD | 30,89 USD |
TransUnion | NYSE | US89400J1079 | A14TUX | 25.06.2015 | 22,50 USD | 24,62 USD |
Europcar Mobility Group | Euronext/Paris | FR0012789949 | A14U65 | 26.06.2015 | 12,10 EUR | 12,18 EUR |
Teladoc Health | NYSE | US87918A1051 | A14VPK | 01.07.2015 | 19,00 USD | 29,90 USD |
elumeo | Frankfurt | DE000A11Q059 | A11Q05 | 03.07.2015 | 25,00 EUR | 27,50 EUR |
Deutsche Pfandbriefbank | Frankfurt | DE0008019001 | 801900 | 16.07.2015 | 10,75 EUR | 12,00 EUR |
Rapid7 | Nasdaq | US7534221046 | A14WK1 | 17.07.2015 | 16,00 USD | 26,75 USD |
PayPal Holdings Inc | Nasdaq | US70450Y1038 | A14R7U | 20.07.2015 | 37,80 USD | 38,00 USD |
Ado Properties | Frankfurt | LU1250154413 | A14U78 | 23.07.2015 | 20,00 EUR | 22,50 EUR |
Planet Fitness | NYSE | US72703H1014 | A14U2K | 06.08.2015 | 16,00 USD | 14,37 USD |
REGENXBIO | Nasdaq | US75901B1070 | A140E0 | 17.09.2015 | 22,00 USD | 30,26 USD |
Scout24 | Frankfurt | DE000A12DM80 | A12DM8 | 01.10.2015 | 30,00 EUR | 29,90 EUR |
NovoCure | Nasdaq | JE00BYSS4X48 | A140ML | 02.10.2015 | 22,00 USD | 20,16 USD |
Covestro | Frankfurt | DE0006062144 | 606214 | 06.10.2015 | 24,00 EUR | 36,50 EUR |
Schaeffler | Frankfurt | DE000SHA0159 | SHA015 | 09.10.2015 | 12,50 EUR | 14,00 EUR |
Ferrari | NYSE | NL0011585146 | A2ACKK | 21.10.2015 | 51,00 USD | 60,00 USD |
Poste Italiane | Mailand | IT0003796171 | A14V64 | 23.10.2015 | 7,05 EUR | 6,40 EUR |
MyoKardia | Nasdaq | US62857M1053 | A142VN | 29.10.2015 | 10,00 USD | 11,08 USD |
Steilmann | Stuttgart | DE000A14KR5 | A14KR5 | 02.11.2015 | 3,50 EUR | 3,50 EUR |
Hapag-Lloyd | Frankfurt | DE000HLAG475 | HLAG47 | 06.11.2015 | 20,00 EUR | 24,23 EUR |
Synchrony Financial | NYSE | US87165B1035 | A117UJ | 18.11.2015 | 23,00 USD | 23,08 USD |
Match Group | Nasdaq | US57665R1068 | A1424N | 19.11.2015 | 12,00 USD | 13,50 USD |
Square | NYSE | US8522341036 | A143D6 | 19.11.2015 | 9,00 USD | 11,20 USD |
ABN Amro | Euronext/Amsterdam | NL0011540547 | A143G0 | 23.11.2015 | 17,75 USD | 25,88 USD |
China International Capital Corporation | Hongkong | CNE100002359 | A14213 | 30.11.2015 | 1,37 USD | 1,95 USD |
EDAG Engineering Group AG | Frankfurt | CH0303692047 | A143NB | 02.12.2015 | 19,55 EUR | 21,50 EUR |
Atlassian | Nasdaq | GB00BZ09BD16 | A2ABYA | 10.12.2015 | 21,00 USD | 27,67 USD |
Société | Bourse | ISIN | WKN | Date IPO | Prix d'émission attendu | Premier cours de bourse |
Santander Consumer USA Holdings | NYSE | US80283M1018 | A1XB31 | 23.01.2014 | 24,00 USD | 25,85 USD |
Dicerna Pharmaceuticals | Nasdaq | US2530311081 | A1XCYU | 30.01.2014 | 15,00 USD | 30,00 USD |
Malibu Boats | Nasdaq | US56117J1007 | A1XB59 | 31.01.2014 | 14,00 USD | 17,64 USD |
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical | Nasdaq | US90400D1081 | A1XCY0 | 31.01.2014 | 21,00 USD | 43,95 USD |
Eagle Pharmaceuticals | Nasdaq | US2697961082 | A1XEDS | 12.02.2014 | 15,00 USD | 15,50 USD |
Installed Building Products | Nasdaq | US45780R1014 | A1XDU6 | 13.02.2014 | 11,00 USD | 12,29 USD |
Varonis Systems | NYSE | US9222801022 | A1XELT | 28.02.2014 | 22,00 USD | 39,00 USD |
Paylocity Holding | NYSE | US70438V1061 | A1XE9W | 19.03.2014 | 17,00 USD | 26,00 USD |
Q2 Holdings | NYSE | US74736L1098 | A1XEYE | 20.03.2014 | 13,00 USD | 16,30 USD |
Trinet Group | Nasdaq | US8962881079 | 929937 | 27.03.2014 | 16,00 USD | 18,50 USD |
2U | Nasdaq | US90214J1016 | A1XEYD | 28.03.2014 | 13,00 USD | 14,49 USD |
GrubHub | NYSE | US4001101025 | A1XE9Z | 04.04.2014 | 26,00 USD | 34,15 USD |
Five9 | NYSE | US3383071012 | A1XFG9 | 04.04.2014 | 7,00 USD | 7,95 USD |
Paycom Software | NYSE | US70432V1026 | A1XFVG | 15.04.2014 | 15,00 USD | 16,25 USD |
Ares Management | NYSE | US03990B1017 | A2N87U | 01.05.2014 | 19,00 USD | 18,20 USD |
SLM Solutions Group AG | Frankfurt | DE000A111338 | A11133 | 09.05.2014 | 18,00 EUR | 22,00 EUR |
Zendesk | NYSE | US98936J1016 | A1115T | 15.05.2014 | 9,00 USD | 11,35 USD |
Truecar | Nasdaq | US89785L1070 | A1132L | 16.05.2014 | 9,00 USD | 9,70 USD | | NYSE | US47215P1066 | A112ST | 22.05.2014 | 19,00 USD | 21,75 USD |
Arista Networks | NYSE | US0404131064 | A11099 | 06.06.2014 | 43,00 USD | 55,47 USD |
IHS Markit | NYSE | BMG475671050 | A2ANS2 | 18.06.2014 | 24,00 USD | 26,70 USD |
Euronext NV | Euronext Amsterdam | NL0006294274 | A115MJ | 20.06.2014 | 20,00 EUR | 19,78 EUR |
Amphastar Pharmaceuticals | Nasdaq | US03209R1032 | A11664 | 25.06.2014 | 7,00 USD | 7,00 USD |
GoPro | Nasdaq | US38268T1034 | A1XE7G | 26.06.2014 | 24,00 USD | 28,65 USD |
ServiceMaster Global Holdings | NYSE | US81761R1095 | A116QD | 26.06.2014 | 17,00 USD | 11,56 USD |
NextEra Energy Partners | NYSE | US65341B1061 | A116WY | 27.06.2014 | 25,00 USD | 32,77 USD |
NN Group N.V. | Euronext Amsterdam | NL0010773842 | A115DY | 09.07.2014 | 20,00 EUR | 19,19 EUR |
CareDx | Nasdaq | US14167L1035 | A118WG | 17.07.2014 | 10,00 USD | 9,50 USD |
Sage Therapeutics | Nasdaq | US78667J1088 | A117WF | 18.07.2014 | 18,00 USD | 27,00 USD |
Alibaba | NYSE | US01609W1027 | A117ME | 19.09.2014 | 68,00 USD | 92,64 USD |
CyberArk Software | Nasdaq | IL0011334468 | A12CPP | 24.09.2014 | 16,00 USD | 25,00 USD |
Zalando | Frankfurt | DE000ZAL1111 | ZAL111 | 01.10.2014 | 21,50 EUR | 22,60 EUR |
Rocket Internet | Frankfurt | DE000A12UKK6 | A12UKK | 02.10.2014 | 42,50 EUR | 49,50 EUR |
Wayfair | NYSE | US94419L1017 | A12AKN | 02.10.2014 | 29,00 USD | 35,85 USD |
HubSpot Inc | NYSE | US4435731009 | A12CWQ | 09.10.2014 | 25,00 USD | 32,86 USD |
Fiat Chrysler | NYSE | NL0010877643 | A12CBU | 17.10.2014 | 12,65 USD | 11,92 USD |
TLG Immobilien | Frankfurt | DE000A12B8Z4 | A12B8Z | 24.10.2014 | 10,75 EUR | 11,70 EUR |
Nevro | NYSE | US64157F1030 | A12EPL | 06.11.2014 | 18,00 USD | 23,13 USD |
New Relic | NYSE | US64829B1008 | A12FNA | 12.12.2014 | 23,00 USD | 30,16 USD |
Nasdaq | US9485961018 | A110V7 | 17.04.2014 | 17,00 USD | 21,68 USD |
Société | Bourse | ISIN | WKN | Date IPO | Prix d'émission attendu | Premier cours de bourse |
Bright Horizons Family Solutions | NYSE | US1091941005 | A1KB0K | 25.01.2013 | 22,00 USD | 27,79 USD |
LEG Immobilien | Frankfurt | DE000LEG1110 | LEG111 | 01.02.2013 | 44,00 EUR | 45,00 EUR |
Zoetis | NYSE | US98978V1035 | A1KBYX | 01.02.2013 | 26,00 USD | 31,50 USD |
Enanta Pharmaceuticals | Nasdaq | US29251M1062 | A1T7BJ | 21.03.2013 | 14,00 USD | 14,51 USD |
Evonik Industries | Frankfurt | DE000EVNK013 | EVNK01 | 25.04.2013 | 33,00 EUR | 33,00 EUR |
Epizyme | Nasdaq | US29428V1044 | A1T9L2 | 31.05.2013 | 15,00 USD | 20,00 USD |
Gogo | Nasdaq | US38046C1099 | A1W078 | 21.06.2013 | 17,00 USD | 16,00 USD |
KION | Frankfurt | DE000KGX8881 | KGX888 | 28.06.2013 | 24,00 EUR | 29,50 EUR |
Osram | Frankfurt | DE000LED4000 | LED400 | 08.07.2013 | 24,00 EUR | 28,00 EUR |
Rexford Industrial Realty Trust Units | NYSE | US76169C1009 | A1W27P | 19.07.2013 | 14,00 USD | 14,62 USD |
Phillips 66 Partners | NYSE | US7185492078 | A1W27H | 23.07.2013 | 23,00 USD | 28,14 USD |
Sprouts Farmers Market | Nasdaq | US85208M1027 | A1W2Q4 | 01.08.2013 | 18,00 USD | 35,00 USD |
American Homes 4 Rent | NYSE | US02665T3068 | A1W3P0 | 01.08.2013 | 16,00 USD | 15,56 USD |
Fox Factory Holding | Nasdaq | US35138V1026 | A1W2J8 | 08.08.2013 | 15,00 USD | 18,00 USD |
Benefitfocus Inc | Nasdaq | US08180D1063 | A1W5CS | 18.09.2013 | 26,50 USD | 18,42 USD |
Acceleron Pharma | Nasdaq | US00434H1086 | A1W5LE | 19.09.2013 | 15,00 USD | 18,50 USD |
RingCentral Inc | Nasdaq | US76680R2067 | A1W58K | 27.09.2013 | 13,00 USD | 17,51 USD |
Burlington Stores Inc | NYSE | US1220171060 | A1W54Y | 02.10.2013 | 17,00 USD | 23,04 USD |
Empire State Realty Trust | NYSE | US2921041065 | A1W6FF | 02.10.2013 | 13,00 USD | 13,06 USD |
QTS Realty Trust | NYSE | US74736A1034 | A1W6U9 | 09.10.2013 | 21,00 USD | 21,38 USD |
Veeva Systems | Nasdaq | US9224751084 | A1W5SA | 16.10.2013 | 20,00 USD | 38,35 USD | | NYSE | US31680Q1040 | A1W7RR | 31.10.2013 | 17,00 USD | 21,44 USD | | NYSE | IL0011301780 | A1W7AU | 06.11.2013 | 16,50 USD | 18,50 USD |
NYSE | US90184L1026 | A1W6XZ | 07.11.2013 | 26,00 USD | 45,26 USD | |
LGI Homes | Nasdaq | US50187T1060 | A1W61X | 07.11.2013 | 11,00 USD | 12,26 USD |
Chegg | NYSE | US1630921096 | A1W4ER | 13.11.2013 | 12,50 USD | 10,96 USD |
Autohome | NYSE | US05278C1071 | A1W97C | 11.12.2013 | 17,00 USD | 30,43 USD |